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Showing posts from March, 2020

Attitude is Everything!!

Attitude is Everything Book By Jeff  "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind".                 Agriraghv                                             Breif-In 1980, I graduated from law school and thought I’d be a lawyer for the rest of my life. After all, that’s what I’d want- ed to do since my early teenage years.At first, everything went according to plan. After lots of studying that summer, I passed the Bar Examination and was admitted to practice law in New York. My personal life was also on the upswing. In early 1981, I married Dolores, a law school classmate. I was on my way to much success and happiness. Or so I thought. But, after practicing law for a few years, I realized I wasn’t happy at all. Sure, there were some things I li...

Fast sold gold that is superior time for buying, After some days goes 45000 plus!!

भाव चढ़े या गिरेे...हमेेशा सुुरक्षित है सोने मे निवेश Agriraghv  Daily Gold Market Report   Gold reverses to upside as governments, central banks battle coronavirus.Besause of corona virus gold prices increase and decrease daily. But this is most supposed time for gold inbestment. Use our experiences investment in gold daily and increase our share in Gold Marketing.  INCREASE SHARE   On Thursday, gold futures on MCX were trading lower by 0.24 percent at Rs 43,465 per 10 grams as fund allocations by major countries and global organisations towards fighting coronavirus effects helped increase the risk appetite of investors. Stock markets in Asia were trading higher after Dow Jones Industrial Average soared more than 1,000 points overnight stateside. On Wednesday, the  International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced a package of $50 billion to combat the impact of the global epidemic. Earlier this week, the World Bank announced $12 billion in...

Communication skills||

COMMUNICATION Communication     ·          INTRODUCTION                   By- Agriraghv The word communication has been derived from Latin ward “ communis ” which means common. Thus communication means sharing of ideas is common. It can be defined as exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions between two or more persons to create a common ground of understanding. ·        Definition - Communication is the process of passing information & message from one person to another. It involves at least two persons i.e. a sender & a receiver. OBJECTIVES -   To know the communication process to be followed in any organization How informal communication is more important than the formal communication. Type of Communication  Ø   Formal Communication Ø   Downward Communication Ø   Upward Commun...

Integrated Farming System

Integrated Farming System Agriculture At present, the farmers concentrate mainly on crop production which is subjected to a high degree of uncertainty in income and employment to the farmers. In this contest, it is imperative to evolve suitable strategy for augmenting the income of a farm. Integration of various agricultural enterprises viz., cropping, animal husbandry, fishery, forestry etc. have great potentialities in the agricultural economy. These enterprises not only supplement the income of the farmers but also help in increasing the family labour employment. The integrated farming system approach introduces a change in the farming techniques for maximum production in the cropping pattern and takes care of optimal utilization of resources. The farm wastes are better recycled for productive purposes in the integrated system. A judicious mix of agricultural enterprises like dairy, poultry, piggery, fishery, sericulture etc. suited to the given agro-climatic cond...

classification of G.C. Ainsworth (1973)

Introduction to Fungi The  fungi  (singular,  fungus ) include several thousand species of eukaryotic, spore bearing organisms that obtain simple organic compounds by absorption. The organisms have no chlorophyll and reproduce by both sexual and asexual means. The fungi are usually filamentous, and their cell walls have  chitin.  The study of fungi is called  mycology , and fungal diseases are called  mycoses.  Two major groups of organisms make up the fungi. The filamentous fungi are called molds, while the unicellular fungi are called yeasts. The fungi are classified in the kingdom Fungi in the Whittaker five-kingdom system of classification. Agriraghv KEY CONCEPTS 1. Kingdom Fungi (the true fungi) is a monophyletic group of eukaryotic heterotrophs that reproduce with spores and have chitinous cell walls. The most familiar fungi are kitchen molds and mushrooms. The kingdom may include 1.5 million species, of which about 80,0...